Trailer Repair Service
We offer minor service packages of trailers,we do axle service packages,wiring issues,Jack repairs,lighting issues,we also can install trailer accessories,give us a call for a free estimate
Wiring Repair
we will troubleshoot all wiring issues,including electric brakes and brake controllers
give you a estimate including parts labor and taxes all estimates have a 15% allowance due to pricing changes from parts distributors
service packages
we will perform and inspect complete trailer for any items that will require repair or replacement,axles service includes cleaning and repacking bearings and installing new seals,checking of brakes and resurfacing of drums and giving estimated life expectancy left on brakes and tires plus do tire rotation
trailer accessories
we will provide you with a estimate to have accessories installed we offer a varity of options for landscapers, motorcycle hauling and other items that you may need give us a call for a estimate